Two contrasting takes on life, both appearing on walls, one in Bangkok and the other at Sagada in the Northern Philippines.
Independent travelling anywhere can be a roller coaster, not only because of where you are geographically, but where you are, emotionally and mentally, and how you interpret what you see. There are no ultimate truths. You see it all through the filter of your own mind, your life experience and its accumulated baggage. You don't see a jitney driver, a baby soldier, a beautiful temple, a sweating labourer, a frenetic marketplace, a spaced-out traveller, a moody border guard, a magnificent sunset. You see your judgments and opinions on them all.
Amid the chaos of Bangkok, then and, I suspect, now, I came across some lost soul's observation.
For freaks, the Thai Son Greet was for many years an iconic watering hole and shelter from the storm in a frenetic, and not always, predictable city, where few could be trusted and your stay could be either heaven or hell - on the same day! Did the author ship out the next day, in a disillusioned haze I wonder.
Welcome stranger.
Welcome to the anus of the Universe
To the asshole of the World,
Welcome to everything you left behind
And travelled thousands of miles to find.
Welcome to the army of mirror images
Of yourself marching the well-trampled trail
Like blind lemmings in search of nothing.
Welcome to the hapless tribes dancing
Their well-rehearsed bathos,
To your slick cameras and tapes.
Welcome brother to the divine rip-off,
You’ve arrived.
In June 1979, I was high up in the mountains, 8000 feet above sea level, in the mountain province of Sagada, north of Manila at Saint Joseph's Resthouse. I remember the peace, silence and simplicity of this wooden-framed retreat house and how every morning the mountains, like islands rose through the layers of cotton wool clouds below us. This tranquility certainly inspired someone. It couldn't have been a greater contrast to Bangkok.
circa September 1979
No one will ever get out of this World alive.
Therefore maintain a sense of values.
Take care of yourself.
Good health is everyone’s major source of wealth.
Without it happiness is almost impossible
Be cheerful and helpful. People will repay in kind.
Avoid angry and abrasive persons. They are generally vengeful.
Avoid zealots. They are generally humourless.
Listen more and talk less. No one ever learnt by talking.
Be chary in giving advice: wise men don’t need it and fools won’t heed it.
Be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, tolerant of the weak and the wrong.
Sometime in life you will be all of these.
Don’t equate money with success. There are many successful money makers who are miserable failures as human beings.
What counts most about success is how a man achieves it.
Love someone you did not love for love is the enriching ingredient of life.